Little Ealing Primary School
Engage, enrich, excel.

KindnessBeing happy, compassionate and supportive

RespectBeing courteous, understanding and tolerant

ResponsibilityFor oneself, for each other and for the community

HonestyBeing truthful, fair and humble

GratitudeBeing grateful, gracious and mindful

Community updates - Building Works

Scheduled Summer Work - Roof repairs



Dear Residents,


I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to inform you about the upcoming roof replacement works at Little Ealing Primary School during the summer holidays.


We are immensely grateful that the Local Authority has agreed to carry out these much-needed repairs for us. However, we understand that this may cause some disruption to you, our local residents.


The Local authority-appointed building firm has assured us that they will show due consideration to the residents.


While some of the work may be noisy, they will aim to keep noise to a minimum.


Construction will be taking place every weekday throughout the summer, with work hours scheduled from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM, although we are predicting an earlier finish time.


We sincerely thank you for your patience and understanding as these essential improvements are made to our school.


Warm regards,


Caroline Hodges


