Little Ealing Primary School
Engage, enrich, excel.

KindnessBeing happy, compassionate and supportive

RespectBeing courteous, understanding and tolerant

ResponsibilityFor oneself, for each other and for the community

HonestyBeing truthful, fair and humble

GratitudeBeing grateful, gracious and mindful


Admissions criteria

Ealing Council makes decisions for admissions to Little Ealing for pupils entering Reception to year 6, in-line with all local community primary schools.  Parents who want their child to join Little Ealing should contact Ealing Council to find out about admission arrangements and waiting lists.


Ealing Council also publishes admissions criteria for all community primary schools, including Little Ealing, each year.


We currently have pupil vacancies in our school.


Reception & Nursery School Tours & Visiting Little Ealing

For those wanting to join our school from September 2025, we are pleased to welcome prospective Nursery and Reception parents to visit the school.

Choosing your child’s first school is important, and we understand that parents want to ‘get it right’. So we warmly welcome you to Little Ealing to get a feel for what our school is like.
Please do come and visit us to find out more about our Primary School and Nursery.
So that parents can get the most out of the visit, we will be touring the school in small groups. Our school is a busy learning environment and our pupils will be actively learning and utilising all learning spaces, and we have to be considerate to them and the teaching staff.
We have decided to include an evening session, allowing larger groups of parents to tour the school.

School tour dates will be published here in September 2025.

Prospective parents looking to join our Nursery or Reception classes in September 2026 are welcome:

• 9.15am welcome from the senior leadership team
• Admission criteria and arrangements
• Tour of school in small groups with a senior leadership team member.
• Question and answer in small groups
• 10.15am depart

Our Nursery is led by a teacher who oversees the three key worker groups. In addition, parents can benefit from government-funded childcare for up to 30 hours a week.

When your child is rising 5 years old, you will need to apply for a Reception place. You do not automatically move from the Little Ealing Nursery to Reception - an application must be made.

Our school has three Reception classes, each with a qualified teacher, supported by early years professionals.

Life in Nursery at Little Ealing

Still image for this video

Reception Class

This video will give you an idea of what a 'typical' day in Reception will look like. We hope you enjoy watching it with your child.

Little Ealing Primary School Admissions Procedures Policy
