Little Ealing Primary School
Engage, enrich, excel.

KindnessBeing happy, compassionate and supportive

RespectBeing courteous, understanding and tolerant

ResponsibilityFor oneself, for each other and for the community

HonestyBeing truthful, fair and humble

GratitudeBeing grateful, gracious and mindful

Aims of our curriculum

The key aims of our curriculum are for pupils to:

  1. learn to read and write, as well as becoming mathematicians, preparing them for the next stage of their education and allowing them to be confident individuals;
  2. learn how to understand themselves and manage their emotions, understanding and tolerating others;
  3. understand and explain the world around them now and from the past;
  4. be active, compete in competitions and work with others in a team,
  5. be creative, practice, rehearse and perform with others;
  6. understand other cultures, beliefs and languages;
  7. learn about sustainable living, understanding global environmental issues


Pupils will have the opportunity to do this through:

  1. accessing high-quality English and mathematics lessons and reading a rich selection of books;
  2. PSHE, Five to Thrive, RE, MindUp and play;
  3. sports tournaments and other competitions across the curriculum;
  4. music, LEPS Live! orchestra, Spark Programme and whole school recorder lessons.
  5. French lessons from Year 1 - Year 6