The Role of the Governing Body:
Governors help direct the school's future by feeding into the school's development plan and looking forward strategically to how the school should be improving. They act as a 'critical friend', challenging and supporting the management team. They are also accountable for monitoring the school's progress against development aims, ensuring strong financial control against the budget and ensuring statutory requirements are met. Governors are not involved with the day-to-day running of the school, which is the responsibility of the Head and the School Leadership Team.
Little Ealing Governors:
The Full Governing Body of 13 people meets at least once termly and delegates some responsibilities to committees and working groups. Currently, at Little Ealing, there are 2 committees - Teaching and Learning & Resources (which include premises, personnel and finance).
There are four categories of Governor:
All governors are unpaid volunteers, who give their time and enthusiasm freely, and at Little Ealing, many of them have children at the school.
Governing Body Meetings:
Observers may attend Full Governing Body Meetings upon request and should give notice to the Clerk via the school that they would like to come or by emailing
The Board and each committee agree upon and approve minutes of meetings at its next meeting. Minutes are available on request once they have been approved. Please contact the school administration team.
Should a parent wish to contact the Chair of Governors, please do so in writing, care of the school, or via the email above.
Governing Body Membership:
Shirley Kenworthy-Wright (Chair of Governors/Local Authority Governor)
Resham Baruah (Vice Chair of Governing Board)
Simi Wang (Co-opted Governor)
Jacqueline Job (Co-opted Governor, Vice Chair of Teaching and Learning)
Alex Vines (Co-opted Governor, Chair of Resources)
Yasmin Vakil (Co-opted Governor)
Inara Khan (Co-opted Governor)
Sharde Hurd (Parent Governor)
Andrew Wood (Chair of Teaching and Learning & Safeguarding Governor)
Ben Lever (Parent Governor)
Nazia Dar (Staff Governor)
Karolina Meyer (Co-opted Governor)
Caroline Hodges (Headteacher, Staff Governor)