Little Ealing Primary School
Engage, enrich, excel.

KindnessBeing happy, compassionate and supportive

RespectBeing courteous, understanding and tolerant

ResponsibilityFor oneself, for each other and for the community

HonestyBeing truthful, fair and humble

GratitudeBeing grateful, gracious and mindful

Curriculum organisation


The curriculum is organised and delivered through:

  • A universal approach to supporting all children
  • discrete teaching of core subjects; English, mathematics and science;
  • a focus on emotional well-being through Values, Personal Social and Health Education, and MindUp;
  • a focus on developing key learner dispositions;
  • specialist teaching for French, Information Technology, Music and Physical Education;
  • enrichment opportunities through gardening, cooking, visitors, visits, residential trips and a termly menu of extra-curricular activities.